Monday, February 13, 2012

Chat banned

Today I got a chat ban for 48 hours for calling some imbecile E-50 player an "idiot" for spending 10 minutes playing pick-a-boo with an E-100 who had only ~400+ HP left, evidently the "idiot" got himself killed.

Did I deserved it? maybe .. but that's not the issue.
The issue is that WG chat banned me from all channels including private ones and own clan channel, thus hindering the clan ability to communicate with me and me with  them.
The "crime" was committed on the public in-game chat channel and I don't understand why I'm also banned from non-public channels.

I've sent a ticket to the game support regarding this issue, but so far no answer.

Reply from support:

Dear Player,
Thank you for contacting your world of tanks customer support team. As you are aware, your account currently has a chat ban restriction applied to it. This restriction applies to all forms of in-game chat. To avoid this issue from reoccurring please try and refrain from using bad language in all future forms of in-game communication.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us again.

Best regards,Michael Johnson
World of Tanks Support Service

Dear Player,
Thank you for your question.
The form of chat restriction is in complete accordance with our policies. The reasoning for such restriction is internal information and should not be publicly displayed. However, we would like to notice that that certain players will become more and more persistent in violating game rules unless our team is equally persistent in suppressing such violations. Also, we would like to notice that continuous chat rules violation may lead not only to temporary chat suspension but also to the game account ban.

Best regards,
Serj Tankos

That's a load of bullshit! Also, the reasoning is "internal information" .. what the hell?! are they on drugs for so long their brains turned into swiss cheese?


  1. I got 24 hours ban because when playing my Type59 someone was blocking me, I started to block him back and he started to shoot. So I killed a pantherII.
    An E75 felt offended so he shot at me. I managed to kill him too, I dunno how.
    Then I had to kill a T25. Our team ended the game with -3 : 11 or something.

    Guess what? I was banned for 24 hours. Even with a reply it didnt help.

  2. I'm not discussing the ban itself but the scope of the ban, witch is abusive
    I did something wrong on the game chat, OK ban me on the game chat but don't allow me to ping the map, use assist commands, block me from my own clan chat ... what the hell!!!

  3. Man, nu te supara, dar ti-am spus si pe TeamSpeak, nu consider ca ai dreptate si uite de ce zic asta.

    1. Jocul iti ofera posibilitatea sa joci fie random games fie premades (tank companies); faptul ca tu alegi sa joci random este strict alegerea ta - cu bune (intri foarte usor in lupta, nu trebuie sa te chinui sa faci/gasesti un team) si cu rele (nu stii peste ce jucatori dai).

    2. Inteleg sa fii suparat pe un om daca e AFK, daca e team killer, etc, nu insa daca este limitat intelectual / ca si skill. Gandeste-te ca multi oameni efectiv isi au limitele mult mai jos decat tine si multi altii sunt jucatori casual (in general statistica spune ca sub 20% din jucatori folosesc macar un mod - sa zicem OTM-ul in cazul de fata, pe cand marea masa joaca strict cu interfata default).

    3. Daca totusi ai o problema cu modul in care joaca omul, poti sa-i explici frumos, constructiv, si poate va intelege, ceva de genul "mate, he only has 400 hp left, you can go over him, eat one shoot and finish him" nu sa il jignesti.

    Acum sa revenim la capitolul wargaming - banul respectiv nu este doar un mod de a-i proteja pe ceilalti jucatori pentru 48 de ore, ci si / mai ales o pedeapsa pentru tine. Ca sa incerc sa fac o paralela cu real life-ul, sa zicem ca tu dai in cap unui strain pe strada; dupa logica ta ar insemna ca nu are de ce sa te trimita la inchisoare, ci doar sa te tina in arest la domiciliu, ca doar tu nu le-ai dat in cap si alora de la tine din casa.

    Sincer, te respect foarte mult ca si jucator cu experienta, dar la faza asta chiar nu cred ca ai dreptate.

  4. nu ai deloc dreptate, mai vb pe TS

  5. wat the hell i banned to chat for 1 week i did not type very bad words
